Gym Equipment for Beginners

So you’ve decided to join our gym; congratulations you’ve made the first steps to a fitter, healthier you! We understand that the first few times in a gym can be a daunting experience, but you have nothing to worry about. Our guide on gym equipment will help you become familiarised with the equipment available at ...
Winter exercise

How To Exercise In Winter

Finding the motivation to stay active can be difficult at the best times, and when the nights draw in and the temperature falls it can be more tempting than ever to hang up the workout gear and retreat to the comfort of the sofa. However, with a little focus and dedication you could find the ...

Staying Home, Staying Healthy Through Diet

Strengthen your body through food Right now we are living through strange and turbulent times as we watch a world that has been hit in its immunity blind spot. We can’t ensure full health but we can give our bodily defenses a fighting chance — and the battle starts in the kitchen. Improve your immune ...

Keep Calm and Get Active

At a time when it’s more important than ever to nurture our mental health, make being active a priority. Here we provide some expert advice on how to get started and discuss the benefits exercise has on our overall well being. One way we hope to help is through our online home workouts available on ...

New Year’s Resolution

With the New Year around the corner we might start to think about New Year’s resolutions. According to a recent ComRes poll, the top three New Year’s resolution include: 1. Exercise more (38 per cent) 2. Lose weight (33 per cent) 3. Eat more healthily (32 per cent) Set a Goal Experts recommend that the ...

Fit & Fantastic Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an amazing time in a woman’s life; growing a little human inside you is magical.  But besides the glowing skin and shiny hair pregnancy takes its toll on your body including fatigue, weight gain and nausea.  The important thing to remember during this time is that you are growing a little person inside ...

Are you ready for summer?

It’s June and summer is here!  If you think you’ve missed the boat to get in shape it’s not too late! Here are some top tips to tone up, lose a few pounds and get beach ready. Eat your greens What you put in your body is just as important as exercise for staying fit ...

You’re only a workout away from a good mood!

It’s been said that exercise is a great antidepressant and gives you that feel good factor. When we think about exercise we might think about getting ‘summer ready’ but it is also about good mental health.  Studies have shown that when you exercise your body releases endorphins that make you feel good. That’s because aerobic ...

The Benefits of Personal Training

How many times have you set yourself a new fitness goal only to lose interest a couple of weeks later? Many people don’t want to admit it, but we all need a little help sometimes. Working with a personal trainer can encourage huge benefits. Personal trainers are not just for stars and athletes, anyone can ...

Staying motivated through the winter months

Are you struggling to stay motivated with your exercise routine? It’s that time of the year when you arrive home from work in the dark and cold, then when you wake up in the morning it’s still dark and cold! It’s not difficult to see why so many of us struggle to stay motivated during ...

From Monday 21st October, various maintenance work will be taking place in the Club. This will affect our telephone lines and female changing rooms. To find out more, click here.